Chapter 2/4…Being a Kardashian

You are probably wondering why I titled this next part being a Kardashian…well wonder no more, because I am about to answer that for you.

So it turns out growing up also means trying to maintain a certain public image. You don’t get to choose to just wear tights and sneakers to church like a 5 year old anymore, NOPE…That doesn’t get to happen anymore. The thing is the older you get, there more interesting and famous you become. It’s like almost everyone wants to get to know what is going on in your life. Everybody wants to have a say in almost everything you do.

So yes, I call this part being a Kardashian basically because those guys’ lives are like a movie to us. They actually have to keep up a certain appearance or people will talk, but the thing is the world will always talk. The world probably spoke when you were a 5 year old but the difference between now and then is that you didn’t really understand what the world was saying back then, it was all just noise to you.

You grow up and you actually begin to hear what the world is really saying. So yes we have to try and keep a certain appearance just so we can fit in with the rest of the world. The lucky and strong willed get to be who they really are and actually get to keep just one image of themselves, but the rest of us end up with more than just one image. The one the world knows and wants, and the one only we know.

Some of us allow the world to take over so much that we go to the extent of doing almost anything just so the world will have something nice to say about us. We get lost in the whole transition that we lose sense of who we are and get lost in trying to balance being our true selves and being who the world wants us to be,

…and yet I see them kids saying, “I can’t wait to grow up” with happy faces and bright smiles.

Trying to keep up with world and trying to be what the world wants us to be is one of the many challenges that most of us young adults find hard as we try to survive this thing they call GROWING UP. Here is the thing, of cause the world has certain ways that we have to try and adapt to and it has certain rules that need to be followed but, there is an extent to that.

The life we live is a complicated thing. The world will always have a say about what you should do and how you should do it but you don’t have to listen to everything you are told to do. Sometimes you just have to take a stand and just do what you think is right for you. Of cause people will talk, people will always talk, whether you do good or bad they will always talk. So here is my advice for you…Don’t mind what the people are saying.


Take any shame or criticism that you get and use that to grow. Don’t take it too personal.

“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass”

Remember that at your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person but, even at your absolute worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right person.

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