Aging like fine wine

“It’s not that I am not excited about this whole thing” she said as she frowned in concentration…It’s just that it seems like just yesterday, I was still learning how to spell my name and now…She continued, now I am surrounded by unpaid bills and busy lying on my resume for a job I don’t love but actually need.

How did I get here so fast, she sobbed.

Hey you…It’s me again

Let’s Talk….Birthdays

Joyous celebrations. The one day in the calendar that is all about you. The one day when you actually get to hear from people you haven’t spoken to in ages. The one day when everything is about you. Who ever said we were not the center of the universe lied…they forgot the birthdays. Because on that day, we are the center of the Universe…or atleast it feels that way.

Anywho, Birthdays are all rainbows and Roses except the part where we actually look at the number on the card, cake or balloons. God that shit scares the hell out of many of us. I mean somehow we are all happy and all until we look at the number and for a while there, something in us moves…We look back and we realize we are not 10 anymore, but we are 25, 30 or 35.

And I’ve personally noticed that most of us hate the idea of aging… Maybe it’s the remainder that time won’t wait for us, maybe it’s the thought of actually starting a family, maybe it’s the thought of actually being a property owner, or maybe it’s just the fact that the single digit on the card has now transformed to a 2 digit number starting with a 3…and I get it. I haven’t been most ages yet but I know the feeling…and I won’t lie sometimes I get scared too.

But the thing is I’ve learned that most times we get scared not because of how fast the years went by but because of all the things we haven’t achieved in comparison to so many of our peers…and I realized that is the biggest trap you can set for yourself.

So I’ve learned to celebrate my birthday not by concentrating on the number and things I haven’t done, but by reflecting on how far I’ve come

The things I’ve experienced that shaped me into the person that I am today.

The battles I’ve lost but learned from.

The small victories.

The friends I’ve gained and the relationships I’ve built over the years.

As we age, we shift…and As you’re shifting, you begin to realize that you are not the same person that you used to be.The things you used to tolerate have become intolerable.You now speak your truth where you once remained quiet. You begin to understand the value of your voice.

As we grow older, we let go a little at a time. A bad memory, a toxic friend,a negative habbit…bit by bit we shed what no longer serves us until we reveal who we are underneath it all…We soon discover that even though we gave up many things, there is no feeling of loss and that what we have gained is far more valuable.

Realize that you’re not the same soul, alot will change and yes sometimes alot needs to change. But you’ve got to embrace that, all of it…and be grateful at another shot at this thing called life…

P.S. Happy Birthday Paulina…